4P’s Tour
1 day
Nestled in the heart of the state of Bahia, Chapada Diamantina is a stunning region renowned for its extraordinary natural beauty. Its diverse geographical features include imposing mountains, deep valleys, majestic waterfalls and mysterious caves. It is a true paradise for Nature lovers and adventurers, offering a remarkable variety of landscapes and ecosystems, as well as a rich diversity of flora and fauna.
Once upon a time, Chapada Diamantina was submerged under the sea, which explains its predominantly limestone composition. Over millennia, the relentless forces of nature have sculpted the rock formations into towering cliffs, complex caves, and vast canyons, which are masterpieces of the natural world. The presence of marine fossils embedded in the rocks reminds us of the region’s ancient geological past, offering visitors a fascinating glimpse into the Earth's history.
Our 4P’s Tour provides an opportunity to experience a significant portion of the natural landscape diversity that Chapada Diamantina has to offer, all in a single day.
4ps : discover the best of Chapada Dimantina in 1 day
Practical Information
Duration: 1 day
Departure Time: 8:00 AM
Return Time: 6:30 PM
Total Hiking Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Driving Time (Round Trip): 4 hours
O roteiro inclui a visita de 4 lugares emblemáticos da Chapada, cujo nome começa com a letra P:
Poço Azul: Uma caverna vertical com um poço de água azul cristalina no fundo, oferecendo uma experiência única de snorkeling.
Vale das Piscinas: Series de piscinas naturais de borda infinita.
Poço do Diablo: Uma queda majestosa em meio aos penhascos.
Morro do Pai Inácio: Um mirante famoso pelo pôr-do-sol espetacular.
Em cada ponto, a visita dura o tempo suficiente para aproveitar plenamente da beleza única de cada ambiente. Das águas cristalinas das piscinas naturais à grandiosidade das serras que se estendem até o horizonte, cada lugar revela uma faceta diferente e cativante da nossa região.
What is Not Included?
Professional guide
Entrance fees
Agency’s insurance
What is Included?
Lunch: A stop is planned at a local restaurant.
Snacks: You may bring your own if desired.
What shall I Bring?
Hiking shoes or sneakers
Sun protection gear (sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, UV-protection shirt)
Water: 1.5 liters recommended
Overview of 4P's Tour
Diving into Poço Azul (Blue Pool)
Step 1
The day begins with a drive of about an hour and a half to Poço Azul, a V-shaped cave hiding a crystal-clear pool in its depths. The light blue water is so translucent that it seems to emit its own glow. Snorkels and life jackets are provided for a 20-minute swim in the pool, allowing you to marvel at the extraordinary clarity of the water and the cave's geological formations.

Lunch at Vale das Piscinas (Pools’ Valley)
Step 2
Next, we drive for another hour and a half to the Pools’ Valley, arriving around noon. Here, we enjoy lunch at a riverside restaurant renowned for its typical Bahianese cuisine, before taking a refreshing swim in the natural infinity pools nearby.

Poço do Diabo and Its Waterfall
Step 3
Then we walk for 30 minutes to reach the Devil’s Pond, a large pool located at the base of a stunning waterfall. It’s a perfect spot to relax and swim before a short 10-minute drive to the final destination of the day.

Sunset from the top of Morro do Pai Inácio
Step 4
To end the day on a high note, we hike up Pai Inácio Mountain. A short 10-minute trail leads us to the top, where we can admire panoramic views of the extensive mountain ranges of Chapada Diamantina. After exploring the summit, we watch what is considered the most beautiful sunset in the region. We then return to Lençóis in a 20-minute drive.

Book your Tour

Contact us
Av. Gen. Viveiros, 275
Tomba, Lençóis - BA, 46960-000
+55 75 9228 7582
+55 75 9934 1983